Hope I can keep this up. I might actually be ready for Christmas this year!
Last Week's Goals.... Week of September 24th
ReadThe Five Love Languages of Teenagers.I finished this book while exercising this week. Excellent sugestions. now I need to figure out the kids' love languages.Exercise four times.I actually rode the exercise bike five mornings this week.Lose four pounds.I lost enough that I was a half pound lower than my lowest weight when I went to the doctor on Thursday.Pedicure.Who knew that painting spider webs on my toenails would be such a pain in the patootie? I redid them three times and I am still not so happy with the results.
Fall decorations on the porch.The cats seem to think that I put the hay bales out there just for them!Get out Abby's winter clothes.They are out of storage. The process of trying on everything and getting it hung up takes a while. There aren't enough hangers to hang it all up until more of the summer stuff can get put away. It will have to be a work in progress.Make daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning check lists.Done. I like it. I think that just having one list on a clipboard rather than three or four will make it easier to see what needs accomplished.Switch my clothes to winter.What a mess! I got rid of a bunch of stuff that is just too big and sloppy looking. Woot! I hope all of the jeans I have will fit. I didn't try anything on; I just stuck it in the drawer. The bonus of it all was that I cleaned up my closet a bit and went through my Christmas Gift/Project tote and rediscovered a few things that I intended to do last year and can finish pretty quickly this year if I get on the ball.Make laundry soap.Done. I love the smell of Fels-Naptha! I have my own recipe that is a combination of lots of other people's powdered soap recipes.
Track all spending for the week.I kept track and I was apalled. Apparently every time I leave the house I spend a great deal of money.Write six blog posts.I wrote five posts. I am calling it a success!
Christmas Prep:
Cross stitch for at least three hours.I worked on this for about five hours at the beginning of the week. I need to get it finished so I can figure out about framing it!Start a Christmas Gift List.Crochet borders on nine squares.I also got a couple of solid squares finished!Christmas gift budget.I even made an excel spreadsheet to keep track. Now I am going to have to make it a goal to keep it updated.
Post about interest in high school breakfast club.No responses. How dissapointing. I think Marshall and his one buddy will just start meeting for breakfast once a week on their own!Co-op lesson.Not my turn! How nice is that?
On to next week.
There are only 85 days until Christmas. This is my favorite time of the year!
Weekly Goals .... Week of October 1st
- Start Bible study with kids.
- Write Gene a love note.
- Check two things off the bucket list.
- Exercise four times (two on the treadmill).
- Lose four pounds.
- Three blog posts.
- Organize sewing basket.
- Complete living room list.
- Put out Halloween decorations.
- Make spending spreadsheet and update.
- Keep Christmas budget spreadsheet current.
- Menu plan around grocery deals.
- Nine squares completed and assembled.
- Complete cross stitch.
- Finish one gift.
- Lesson for co-op on elections.
- Check in with kids' school every day.
Here's to keeping the momentum going!